Is it okay to frost cakes two days in advance of an event?


Well-known member
and keep refrigerated? I usually do it the day before. I'm pretty sure this is a silly question and the answer is yes, but I wanted to check:)

Frostings will a butter/confectioner's sugar and a chocolate ganache and a caramel.


Yes, deb...both of those will be okay. And if you want to ensure a moist

cake, brush the layers with a heavy Simple Syrup before icing. Per Alice Medrich, Goddess of Chocolate: 2 C sugar to 1 C water, boil for 4 minutes.

The ONLY cake I've screwed up by putting it in the refrigerator was a Puerto Rican version with a meringue icing (not the Swiss or Italian or French meringues...just whipped egg whites and sugar). It looked fine going in...came out looking pocked. Bummer.
