Is it safe to consume smoked pork loin...


Well-known member
Here they smoked 2 pcs tied together pork loin and the result is pinkish. I am worry that in order to make it weigh heavier, they would under cook it. Should I just freeze it to ensure it is safe ?


Is there any way you can find out...

if it was cold-smoked or if it actually got up to a fully-cooked temperature?
Pink inside is not necessarily bad, as smoking can give meats that pinkish color.
Another way to be sure, would be to cook it again. Braising with some onion, saurkraut and some seasonings would make a great dish.

When a meat is properly smoked, there is a pink ring that appears...

...around the outer edges of the meat. That is normal. If the meat is pink towards the center, that is another story.

I don't know what you mean by freezing to ensure it is safe. Freezing will preserve the meat, but only heat will fully cook the meat and kill most of the organisms that will harm you.

If you are suspicious that they may have under-cooked it in order to retain the moisture content, then you have to ask yourself if the meat was properly cooked in order to avoid food poisoning. Low temperature smoking that wasn't carried out properly could encourage the growth of nasty organisms.

Bottom line for me is simple: if I had questions about whether or not I could identify a proper pink smoke ring, I would either toss it or cook it to safe temperatures before eating it.


How do you intend to fix it. Smoked pork chops (or loin) could

be sliced and then sauteed to finish. As Michael said, the smoke ring near the surface is normal in smoked meats. I don't think cold smoking is an option with meats. And actually, freezing pork does kill the trichina worm--which has been eradicated here in the US but perhaps not where you are.
I think you can cook it further and still have the smoked pork you desire and be safe.

I agree with Michael. Even when we smoke our own, I still cook it a bit. Seems better to be safe.
