Is there anything one can do with Noni fruit?


Well-known member
I have friends vacationing in Ecuador, and they bought some noni fruit. This was in their email:

Have you ever heard of Noni fruit, according to Wikipedia also called the "Devil's apple" ? Does anyone out there have a good recipe? We bought six of them at the market thinking that we were going to enjoy some exotic Noni fruit. Turns out the only people who eat them do so because they are starving to death. Did I mention they stink? They are now outside on the patio. The only thing I can thing of to do with them is hurl them at invaders. That woman at the market must have thought we were the dumbest tourists ever. I did look it up and you can make juice from them, but it takes about six weeks for them to rot and ferment to get the juice.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Here is a picture:

Lana, they are from Hawaii and Darwin first wrote of them saying they smell like "vomitus" urgh...>

He is right.

They sell bottles of the stuff here in the supermarkets as it is supposedly good for Health.

I can not bring myself to drink it, ever, as I was at an art gallery where one grows at the entrance door and the smell pervaded everything.

I have been given seeds to grow the shrub and I cant bring myself to do that either although the shrub has huge green leaves and looks so lush even in this hot dry weather.

Not a favourite at al.

I cant change that heading.. Darwin apparently first came accross them in Hawaii....

I do not know where they originated.
