Is there interest in a Farm to Table forum?

Paul host
Staff member
I'm thinking of this in a broad context encompassing the full spectrum from farming (including kitchen gardens) to food prep/packaging. And while things like local food, GMO and organic would be inclusive here, this would not be the specific purpose of the forum.

An example of what I think appropriate: I had mint go to seed. I've got these furry pods that I cut and I see each of these break down into hundreds of little pods each with an individual, tiny seed inside. I was wondering what the best method of culling these seeds was?

Another example: there have been discussion on Cottage Food businesses on the Recipe Swap in the past year. This could be an appropriate forum to discuss and network.

Here is a link to the wikipedia article on Farm to Table

I'm totally open to discussions on all this, but not sure we need a separate forum.

For example if I wanted to know about gardening etc. I'd just ask here, if we collected info we'd put it under great threads/etc.

However, I likely wouldn't go check/post in separate sections, for fear it would be missed and would rather keep conversations to the main board.

Just my two cents.
