Is this opportunistic...or just plain tacky?


I work in a large metropolitan area (Orlando) at a large engineering firm alongside a coworker in his early 30's. He's been married to the same gal for 10 years and recently began ordering wedding cake samplers from local wedding caterers, saying he is thinking about having a catered party to renew their vows, including cutting a wedding cake again.

It's not happening.

He ends up with several small cakes that he then freezes and cuts as he wants.

He, in his engineering logic, brags about getting custom-made, high quality cake for a minimal amount of money.

I tried to explain that the caterers are breaking even or possibly even losing money on test runs. That "customer sampling" is a cost of doing business in the hope of getting the larger wedding event.

He looked at me like I was insane.

Am I?

I don't think I would have lasted 10 minutes with this jerk, forget about 10 yrs!

He should be ashamed of himself. Lying to get cheap cake. Puhleeze!

Oh, that is just so sad!! I would never think about that if I were a caterer. How disconcerting.

Says alot about his integrity. (or lack there of...)

If you know, for a fact, that he is not truly ordering samples for an upcoming vow renewal ceramony

let the biggest catering co know, so they can pass along his name to others. He is stealing.

He's your co-worker, not your child. Tell him you're disappointed by his deceit and be done with

it. Absolutely NO reason to "alert" caterers or be proactive about stopping him. It'll backfire on your ass and you'll have an enemy to deal with rather than a cake-stealing jerk.

I'm with Steve on this one, 100 percent. He's an adult, and his behavior shows an...

...astounding lack of character. I'm of the belief that what goes around, comes around, and that taking up an offense for someone else is ill-advised.

He'll get what's coming to him, and the caterers will continue to do business assuming most people are on the up-and-up. Anyone who goes into business knows that customer theft and employee theft (if you have employees) have to be considered in the cost equation when figuring out your cash flow.

Very sad...


Inwardly smile when he brags, knowing everyone inwardly recoils in horror. His poor wife.

I bet his house is stocked with stolen toilet paper.

Not to mention, how bad of a baker must one be that you have to go out and steal cake?!

That behavior reveals a lot about his personal ethics. As an engineer, I'd check his work.

My dad had a guy like that who worked for him. One day, he shows up for work and the guy ordered an expensive gold-brushed glass for a multi-story building---and carelessly ordered it all the wrong size. His employee quit, and meanwhile my dad was on the line for $70,000 replacement costs and a major ding to the construction timeline.

Agreed. Both. The companies involved probably have this type of skimming built into the budget

He's probably kind of rare--who would go to that much trouble for cake? If it were an ongoing problem they could start requesting some sort of confirmation, like a bridal registry.

Hey wait a minute, that could also be a scam.
