ISO: ISO a Food Mill: Recommendations, favorite brands?

In Search Of:
Maria, I am assuming this is for Jammin? I have been thinking of you!! How has it been going?

I have the OXO, it works well for me. I do quite a bit of berry jam, and dh prefers w/o seeds. Let me know what you have been working on!!!

sorry, my mouse is strange today. It says Moulin Legumes Made in

France on the side. I have had it for ages and it works fine. Comes with 3 different discs. I'm not sure how much they are used anymore so maybe you could pick one up at a flea market or 2nd hand store. I am not a jam maker (or eater) so I use mine mostly for mashed vegetables or the solids from soups.

Does a food mill work for pitting cherries? I have an old inexpensive one and the pits

get hung up and the blade won't turn. Maybe a need an updated style? (I am assuming that you put the hot cherry mixture thru the mill?)
