ISO: ISO: a good hot apple cider recipe

In Search Of:
REC: Hot Mulled Cider--I don't usually garnish with the studded fruit-but it's a nice touch...

Hot Mulled Cider

Recipe By: Delicious Orchards
Serving Size: 10


1 each cinnamon stick, (1 inch) crushed
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 quarts apple cider
1 1 in. piece lemon peel, (1 to 2)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 small apples
1 orange


1. In cheesecloth bag, tie cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Simmer in 2 Cups of cider with lemon peel for 15 min. DO NOT BOIL..

2. Remove cheesecloth bag, add rest of cider and vanilla. Heat again. Serve in punch bowl. Float apples and orange studded with whole cloves.

cheezz, I always use a silver (i.e., metal) punch bowl for my hot punches AND a silver/metal ladle.

I pre-heat my silver punch bowl as you would any coffee thermos or carafe OR any silver tea service pots by pouring in boiling hot water and letting it sit 5 to 10 minutes in order to warm up the punch bowl. This will hold the heat of your hot cider or other hot punch much longer.

This is my favorite Hot Cider Drink.....

Wassail Drink
(from HOLIDAY SAMPLINGS, compiled & published by The Columbus Service League in 1983. This recipe was submitted by Rhetta Glick.)

1 gallon apple cider or apple juice (128 oz)
1/2 cup brown sugar (I use 1/4 cup light brown sugar.)
1 - 6 oz can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed*
1 - 6-oz can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed*
1 Tbsp whole cloves
1 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
2 or 3 whole sticks cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in large kettle. Simmer until steaming hot. Remove whole spices. May add 1 cup rum before serving. Serves 32.

*Caryn's Notes: Since the grocery stores no longer have available or sell 6-oz cans of frozen juice concentrates in this town, I just put in a 12-oz thawed container of each juice that is called for.

Exactly! & IF I'm lucky, there will be 1 cup left after my cooking spree 2 add 2 my hot cider drink.
