ISO: ISO: A substitute for Lyle's Golden Syrup (Cake/Frosing Recipe Using it at Link)

In Search Of:


Well-known member
Hi there,

I've been baking/cooking up a storm and taking pics for the upcoming Diva Entertains blog (it will be connected to my website - will be built by the end of Jan). (Unfortunately my camera skills are, on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best) -5 so DH and I are working hard on trying to learn/improve)..

Anyway - made the cake and frosting from the linked recipe from the current issue of Fine Cooking, "Hot Chocolate Layer Cake with Homemade Marshmallows" (didn't do the latter - I made those a while ago and I ate the ENTIRE batch myself:). The cake is very good while the frosting is OUTSTANDING!. But it calls for "Lyle’s Golden Syrup" which I was able to find in the "British" section of our International Aisle but I'm concerned readers (if, in time, I have some:) wouldn't be able to find it. Could you recommend a substitute? Corn Syrup?

Many thanks,


I grew up with Lyle's and I don't think there's any close substitution. But according to The Food

Substitutions Bible, for a cup of golden syrup (aka light treacle) you can use:

3/4 cup light corn syrup + 1/4 cup light molasses (slightly thinner; less sweet)

1/2 cup dark corn syrup + 1/2 cup honey (slightly thinner; less sweet)

1 cup pure maple syrup (thinner; less sweet; adds maple flavor)

However, I increasingly see this, and Lyle's Black Treacle, in the stores (in Canada), so it may not be hard to find with a little hunting, though its availability may be more of a regional thing in the States. It can also be purchased online.

I have always found Lyle's at World Market. It seems like most big cities have a World Market.....

but it doesn't look like it is available from their website smileys/frown.gif

I've seen it there too, but seems pricey (maybe $6?) I think my mom used to get it at Safeway but>>

that was more than 20 years ago.

World Market, Publix, Harris Teeter all carry it here but to me it is similar to Blackburn

but that is a Southern product so I'm not sure you would have any better luck finding it.

Thanks Everyone!

Unbelievably I can find in in the International aisle of my grocery store (in my very small town) but with the blog I'm hoping, as just one of its many goals, to use as many 'ordinary' products as possible.

My goal is not to have it devoted solely to cooking, but to 'entertaining' too. (table settings, favors ('s connected to my favor site:), centerpieces, invitations, etc.)

All in good time.....smileys/smile.gif

Thank you, dear friends!

Really havent found a sub for Lyles...but I use the recipe inside more frequently....

I can sometimes find it here though...else I just get AnyOne who comes over to bring a bottle or tin to me.....
The recipe calls for both corn syrup and you cant sub that.....
here is a recipe from my English cook book that uses ingredients that are easily found....

Gelatine Mixture:
1 oz powdered gelatine
1/4 pint water
1 tsp vanilla ess

Syrup Mixture:
1LB granulated sugar
7fl oz warm water
8fl oz liquid gluscose (ask at pharmacy if the store does not have it)
1 egg white

3TBL cornflour
3TBL sieved icing sugar

Gentley heat gelatine/vanilla mixture over warm water.
Leave over the pan to keep warm.

In a fairly large pan dissolve the sugar in warm water....
Stir in the glucose with a wooden spoon.
Let mixture boil to 118C (245F)
Remove pan from heat

Pour still warm gelatine into rinsed-out heat proof bowl and gradually trickle in the sugar syrup whisking all the time with a balloon whisk.

When the mix is well thickened beat in the egg white little by little (I beat it with a fork first).

Mix the cornflour and icing sugar and sprinkle over the base of an oiled 11 x 7 tin.
Pour the marshmallow into tin and allow to cool slowly for about 24 hours.

Dust a working surface with the cornflour/sugar coating and turn the tin onto this very gently.

Use a hot dry knife to cut into squares.
Leave to dry 12 hours and pack in layers in an airtight tin.

Good luck.

You can get it from Amazon, though it costs nearly $6........

but it's not cheap anywhere. For Laurie Colwin's Damp Gingerbread, I substitute half treacle and half pancake syrup, but the treacle might swamp the chocolate. Maybe half plain corn syrup and half pancake syrup. It won't have the same taste, but (I don't know your recipe) if there is a strong enough chocolate flavor, that might not matter too much.

Yes, I would have to agree with joanie. Lyle's is very, very thick and has a subtle butterscotchy

flavor. A simple syrup would never end up as thick as it is. I read that it was discovered during a sugar distillation process. It tastes almost as if it's nearing a caramelization stage, but stopped short.

I tried playing around with melting Werthers's butterscotch candies when I was trying to make the HobNobs, but then generous misplaced in AZ mailed me some real Lyles, bless her heart.

I have never had Lyle's syrup, but what if you mixed Karo light corn syrup

with a caramel ice cream topping or some such combination?

I have been trying to think what you could use instead of Lyle's

as it is syrup to thicken iciing/frosting you should perhaps just try a mix re-below and see if you get the results you want.

And on reading this perhaps it can be found at one of the Caribbean stores in some areas in the States.

I found this...still, there is nothing that really makes a good substitute....

golden syrup = cane juice = jus de canne = cane syrup = sugar cane juice = light treacle Notes: This amber-colored liquid sweetener is popular among British, Caribbean, and Creole cooks.
It's made by evaporating sugar cane juice until it's thick and syrupy. Lyle's Golden Syrup and Steen's Pure Cane Syrup are popular brands. Substitutes: Combine two parts light corn syrup plus one part molasses OR equal parts honey and corn syrup OR maple syrup (This is thinner, and not as sweet.) OR dark corn syrup (This is thnner and not as sweet as golden syrup. If you like, try reducing the corn syrup in a saucepan to thicken it.) OR light corn syrup (This is thnner and not as sweet or flavorful as golden syrup. If you like, try reducing the corn syrup in a saucepan to thicken it.)

