ISO: ISO, andouille sausage recipe. all you sausage makers---search didn't show anything. found an Olga

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link. we have about 40 pounds of moose meat that our friends want made into andouille. we have the Aidell's recipe, but wondered if anyone here makes it.

Moose and chitlins. Made into sausage. Wow, how I wish Dave Barry...

...frequented this board.

He's written some amazingly funny stuff about moose doots.


oh geez....I guess I won't be eating that anymore. Is that why they make it so spicy?

The first andouille I had was in New Orleans and I had to keep eating French bread to get past the numbness on my tongue.

I can't eat the authentic andouille with the chitlins because of the taste/smell.

I'm sorry, but I can smell the "pong".

No offense to anyone who likes it, but I don't even like to smell it as it cooks.

