ISO: ISO: Ang! Can't get the PM to work.....

In Search Of:


Well-known member
we would love to meet you for dinner Thurs eve if that works for you???? It would be so much fun to meet you smileys/smile.gif We are taking the train to Denali early tomorrow--please hope for sun! Then train to Anchorage Thurs afternoon, we fly out Fri at dinner to Juneau. You can email me at barbararowe at cox dot net.

Doin' the sun dance......

I know it's old school but 4 those in Y! group - you can email each other

I'm pretty sure there are PMs on the "new" site here too, but I haven't been able to login/access that entire section for a while now.

However, if you're a Eat.At Y! group member and someone else is too, you can look them up by their Y! user name under the "members", click on "send message" - and it will send them an email to the account they used to sign up with. I know it's not ideal in any way, just thought I'd mention it's possible.
