thanks everyone for worrying. I'm A-OK right now. Have EPI pen in purse, pumped up with steriods
and benedryl and with a referral to an allergist ASAP. thanks to everyone for all the allergy information. I have not been allergic to anything before---no food allergies or medicines or bees---nothing, so this is such a mystery. I was in full blown Ana..... shock and had everyone in the ER hopping! I will have tests done and I will copy down everything from the ingredients on what I had to eat and what went into the sesame noodles. It won't be hard to write it all down since I didn't eat very much, just one Walker's shortbread with my coffee and those noodles---which by the way were delish smileys/frown.gif
I hadn't thought of an insect bite, but I had been working out in the garden for several nights. Scary stuff!