ISO: ISO Bakers and/or Cake Decorators-question about cake pans (more)

In Search Of:


Well-known member
I need to invest in some new round cake pans. I looked on the Wilton site and they have a Performance Plus pan (2" high) and a Decorator's Perferred (these come in 2" and 3" high). Does anyone happen to know the difference between them? Also, would you recommend a 3" height? I have made cakes for decorating (a few wedding cakes for family/friends) and in the past have used my big springform pans. I have one more wedding to do and I am thinking that I need something heavier. But, what to get? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Cake pan thoughts

I prefer the 2" pans...with the 3" pans you need to split the layers horizontally to fill them with you frosting or filling. this can be a daunting task with a larger (14" and above) layer. With the 2" layers you just lop off the crown of the cake.

I have the Wilton pans as well as pans that I have picked up at a local restaurant supply house and I tend to prefer the non-Wilton pans. They are a bit heavier, seem to cook a bit more evenly and the cakes seem to release from them better than the Wiltons. Another problem I have had with a couple of my Wilton pans has to do with the lip of the pan. While it does not afftect the baking of the cake, it has been an annoyance when washing the pan as the rolled lip has a spot on it that is sharp. I have sliced my finger open a couple of times on the offending pan....not something you want to have happen when you have four tiers waiting to be frosted and decorated!

On purchasing pans...make sure the sides are straight. (All of the wiltons with the exception of the 9" set are straight.) If the pans of the same size will "nest" together, the sides are flared and you should stay away from them. They are impossible to frost with a straight side as they will not stack properly.

Good luck with you cake!

I've had the same problem with the rolled lip cutting my fingers.

Also have this problem on my Bundt pan. Glad to hear its not just me!
