ISO: ISO butchering advice. I bought a whole beef tenderloin at Costco because I need 12 steaks for

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tomorrow. I've never cut my own before. I saw Alton Brown do it with a ruler on the board for even thickness, using one long stroke of the knife for each steak. Is there anything else I need to know? Should I trim off all the outer fat first?

Thanks in advance.

Here's one video (I don't know this guy). Several more if you google "tenderloin

+steaks +trim" and click on "videos" at the top.

Seems you must trim off the silverskin, but taking the fat off is optional.

That's some knife he has!

Joe, I've done many and watched many being done at...

the restaurant I used to work for. Trimming is very important, especially if there is any silverflesh. You won't get uniform steaks all the way down the length, you'll get into the smaller end where you have the petite fillets, and then the tips for stroganoff, etc. But you should be able to measure out 12 steaks fairly easily from a whole tenderloin. You can also get creative with the bacon wrap if pieces aren't staying together if need be.

Thanks Shaun! These videos are just what I needed. They answer all my questions.

Richard, I will be sure to trim thoroughly. My tenderloin doesn't really look like the one in the

case at Whole Foods, and now I know why--they trimmed it.
