ISO: ISO CathyZ - I have a couple of questions for you

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I would have sent this as a private message, but it didn't seem to be working for me. Maybe others can answer these as well.

I had a couple of questions on two of your recipes. First, I've made your chocolate chunk cookies and they are fabulous! I thought I remembered seeing a post long ago that you upped the butter to 1 lb? If so, which amount do you prefer and does the 1 lb. make the cookies spread too much?

Second question. That Cadbury Dark chocolate you recommend for the cookies has been a revelation! Easily one of my favorite chocolates of all time. Have you ever used it in your flourless chocolate cake? I've made your recipe before and always use Callebut, but I was thinking the Cadbury might be great in it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I don't get to post to the swap much anymore, but I do still enjoy visiting when I can. Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi GeorgiaRose- here are some answers

I'm glad you enjoy the recipe. I can't seem to ever make enough of these- and the Cadbury Royal Dark Chocolate bars are so good.

I am going to post the recipe for the cookies in case I changed something else since you saw it last. I went to 1 lb butter in the double batch and no, the cookies do not spread too far.

I haven't tried this chocolate in the flourless chocolate cake but it is a great idea and I will use it next time I make it. Duh. I couldn't even figure that out.

Here is the cookie recipe- I use my KA to make them:

Makes about 18 doubled version in ()

2-1/2 (5) c all-purpose flour:
½ (1) tsp baking soda
1 (2) tsp fine salt
½ (1) lb unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 (2) c dark brown sugar
½ (1) c white sugar
1-1/2 (3) Tbsp good vanilla extract
1 (2) large egg
1 (2) large egg yolk
12 oz (24) Cadbury Royal Dark Chocolate squares, broken apart
1 (2) c chopped and toasted walnuts or pecans
1 tsp (1T) candied ginger- optional

Sift together and set aside: flour, baking soda, salt.
Stir together melted butter, brown sugars and vanilla. Add the egg then the yolk and beat well. Stir in the dry ingredients then fold in the chocolate and pecans.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare baking sheets (I use parchment paper). Drop about ¼ cup of dough for each cookie on sheets. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until brown. Remove from sheets immediately and cool.

Cathy, these sound just wonderful. and so great about the Cadbury choc. our Fred Meyer often has

Cadbury on special, $1/bar, which is pretty good.

Thanks so much for your response!

I made the flourless chocolate cake with the Cadbury over the weekend and it was fabulous! Let me know what you think when you try it. Thanks again for your help!

Cathy, was it the Cadbury Dark you liked when you were

doing South Beach? I sort of recall you saying every now and then you'd need a chocolate fix (my words, not and found a bit of dark chocolate to do the trick. Was it the Cadbury Dark you liked for that?
