ISO: ISO: Cost of Trader Joe blister peanuts?

In Search Of:


Michael ("damn his eyes!)" made me realize these are great in CI peanut butter cookies. I bought them once from Bertie County Peanuts (they were super-fresh and fabulous) and was going to order them again:

30 oz = $12.70.

Shipping = $6.60!

I thought that might be a flat rate, so I bumped it up to 2 containers:

Two 30 oz = $25.40

Shipping = $9.90

This KILLS Me. I have no problem paying for quality ingredients, but when shipping is half the price again, I stop and ask "Do I really need this?"

Anyway, if anyone is near a Trader Joes and can tell me what they cost there, it might just be cheaper to pay your postage.


Hey, I just happen to owe you smileys/smile.gif, so I'd be happy to get ya some. Sending you

an email to see how many you'd like.

But on the bright side, perhaps there will be a TJ near you soon. Rumor has it they're coming to

Sarasota next year.

Thanks, Michael. And I'm betting you're right. Berties is a peanut farm so I know

they will be fresh, but paying ~$20 for an ingredient in a cookie seems excessive.

I don't know about you, but in my world I often have to ask myself if the cost...

...of the ingredient actually equals the benefit apparent in the end result.

(Cost vs. benefit. What a concept. I bet I'm the first person to think of things that way. I should go "national" with that one.)

Salted blister peanuts: 13 oz bag, $1.99.

I use the blister peanuts from TJ's because they are available and reasonably priced. They DO offer a better "crunch" in the end result. I bet you could use any fresh peanut. I've had real Virginia peanuts that were excellent, and also reasonably priced. I bet you'd hardly be able to tell the difference between the two in a taste test of CI's PB cookie recipe.

I know what you're probably thinking: "Yeah, Michael. But I'D know the difference!" I'm that way too.


WHAT??? Sarasota??? Where? When? I know one is opening in Naples but Sarasota?

That will save me a 2 hour drive.

Blister Peanuts are now availabe at Costco in Cleveland

I think they were $10.00 for 40 oz. Our TJ's no longer carries them.

Michael, not sure where I saw it, but googled and found some references to it. Here's one. I guess

we should contact them and request it. I'm not holding my breath because look how long it's taking Costco to get here (btw, they're starting demolition on the Dillard's now) and I was told some time ago that Fresh Market was opening a new store on the trail and that's not happened yet. We shall see. Because of the internet and message boards like ours, people that have never seen the inside of a TJ's are wishing they had one, so perhaps they'll expand quickly.

P.S. Michael and Curious1 SRQ: Viking's new culinary center and retail store's

grand opening is this Sunday in Lakewood Ranch!

I've bought quite a few things including last-forever cookware and other things at their retail store in Bryn Mawr, PA and just love the place. I'm excited that Viking is near me but have to watch my pocketbook because I really don't? need anything right now?!

See link and Image link.
