ISO: ISO CYN upstateNY: Made the cake and it is very good. However, (m)

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it is a very thin cake with LOTS of crumb topping. Also it definitly is not "diet" food with all the butter used. I baked it the 35min. called for, but I could have baked it a little less. I used my Cuisinart pan which is coated so I think it baked a little faster. If you decide to make this check it at 30min. Let me know what you think. Not difficult to make. I want to try this with a higher type cake and use the crumb topping to see how it will turn out.

I thought about that myself, but didn't want to mess things up. You (m)

could probably double the cake recipe part. I will try that the next time. Will have to adjust the baking time and keep an eye on it.

PS If you use a smaller pan you would have to either cut the topping (m)

recipe in half or you will have a lot left over. It makes large amount of topping. I think doubling the cake part is the better way to go.

I'm here! What kind of pan was it baked in? (M)

I can figure out what smaller-diameter pan(s) will also work...


Hi Josh! It's a crumb cake so I want it in one pan but Misplaced said the cake was very thin ..

with alot of crumb topping. thought I could change the size of the pan and make the cake part thicker. Let me know if you want to see the recipe. I'm not making it until Friday.

