ISO: ISO Dawn - Question about your pickled jalapenos..Did you not process them

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in a water bath at all? The pickled hot peppers look like they get processed, but I didn't see the same for the pickled jalapenos. I'm up for making both today, but just wanted to make sure!

Many thanks.

Hi Sue...

I didn't water process the pickled jalapeno slices. I sterilized the jars and the lids, placed the jalapeno slices in jars, poured boiling liquid over and capped them. I let them sit on my counter for a few days to a week, then refrigerated them. I didn't make the mixed hot peppers, that is the recipe I adapted the jalapenos from. Because I didn't water bath them and refrigerated them instead, they came out really crunchy; great texture. I know that you are supposed to waterbath them for safety's sake, but there is so much vinegar in this recipe that I wasn't worried about it. If you have any doubts then I would waterbath them. I did my dill pickles the same way and I am storing the ones that sealed down in the basement and the ones that didn't seal I refrigerated. I hope that helps.
