ISO: ISO Deb-in-MI, Your flank steak is absolutely delicious! Thanks for posting. I bought

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a beautiful grass fed flank steak at the farmers market. Thank goodness they guy told me how to grill it. I did not know to grill it low and slow to keep it tender. So that's how we did it and it was WONDERFUL! Thanks for a great recipe.

Thanks for letting me know, Barbara!

I'm so glad!

Jealous of your grass fed flank steak...I live in the Boonies (sorta) and options are really, really limited.

I'll tell my mom about the recipe - she'll be so happy!


Janet and Orchid, we grilled it over coals that were past their peak burning potential..

I did a little googling when I got home and it seems to be recommended that you cook grass fed beef at 25° lower in the oven than you would standard beef and grill it indirectly. So, DH seared it on each side and them moved it over to the less intense heat. The reason given for this recommendation is that grass fed beef is leaner than corn fed so there is not as much fat to keep the meat moist.

We were a bit nervous about ruining an expensive (for us) piece of meat. We both watched intensly. We were glad that it turned out perfectly! Very tender and great flavor from the marinade smileys/smile.gif
