Thanks, Heather. I'm checking the site out now. DH is taking this very seriously, he's learning to
read food labels, and is counting and measuring stuff. This is a real change for him. A year ago, he came home from a Doctor's visit with a blood glucose monitoring kit. I asked him what it was, and he said, "Oh, just something the Doctor gave me." He threw it in his sock drawer and never opened it. Since then, I've started going with him to his 3-month check-ups, and questioning everything that he is told. The last visit, two weeks ago, are what triggered the change. The Doctor told him that different levels in his blood test were way too high or low, and started him on an injection of Byetta, every morning and every night. I felt so sorry for him, sticking a little needle into his tummy every day, but the dietician said this is a very good drug, and it will help him lose weight and balance out his blood sugar. Eventually, she said he will probably be able to stop some of the other meds he is on. He's a tough Marine, and poking himself has become routine.
Thanks again for your good advice. You may not remember, but you and I are going to share a glass of wine and some good oysters at the Farmers Market in SF next April, when DH and I attend his USNA'57 52.5 year reunion.
And I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!