ISO: ISO: Does anyone know of a nice/good place to eat in Charlottesville, Va.? I have decided to ...

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attend a book festival there in March with my book friends and we always have a dinner together. .If anyone is going to be there, it would be an

extra treat to meet you.

Ah - restaurants I can't help with much but a MUST VISIT - King Family Winery

We had some time to spare as we drove in to visit DH cousin who teaches at UofV. So we started following the signs for the Virginia Wine Trail and this was the first one we hit. The wines were nice but this was just an incredible place. They have this huge estate with horses and polo grounds. Locals bring their picnic baskets and come out for the day - it's a destination place even for locals. I think they also have some nice cheeses you can have with your wines also. But it's very scenic.

That night we ate at a restaurant - a brew pub down in the heart of old Charlottsville near the University and some railroad tracks. It was good but nothing special so you can probably find something better.
