ISO: ISO: does anyone know the Boston bakery that's famous for their lemon macaroons?

In Search Of:


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Little round macaroons with a flaky lemon-powdered-sugar type filling and covered with white chocolate. Trying to find a recipe for these - thanks!

Update - I think it's called Lakota Bakery. The cookie seems to be a macaroon like amaretti. The thick lemony frosting on top forms a thin hard shell and then white chocolate is drizzled over. It's the lemony frosting recipe that's most needed - must be the kind that forms that thin shell. The frosting on this cookie isn't a glaze - it's thick like on a cupcake.

cheezz - looks like a "French Macaroon," and just guessing the filling could be a fondant of some


DD and friend have picked it apart trying to figure out the filling. The cookie they can guess,

and white chocolate on top, but the filling is elusive. She tried making several batches, trying different things, but when it comes to pouring over the white chocolate, it melts the lemony filling.
