ISO: ISO Dori Sanders' cauliflower recipe

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Well-known member
I know it was in a cookbook (Country Cooking) that I had, before it got damaged by water :eek:( (Although I thought it had the word "Italian: in the title?) It had wine and olives in it, and I think it was weighted down by something while cooking. I made it once, was very good! Does anyone have this recipe? I can't find it anywhere. TIA.

Thanks Pat. I think it must've been a different book, Sicilian cauliflower doesn't

seem to fit in her type of cooking. Maybe it was an Italian country cookbook.

Thanks for trying - while I did find the book online, I didn't see the option to search it and see the index page. How clever! I'll try looking at Amazon for "Italian country cookbook".

Yes! MY brain somehow inserted Dori into the mix, maybe it was the "Farmhouse"

part of the title... but thank you! I did see the recipe for Cavolofiore Agffogato too, which is very similar. But it's the Susan Herrmann Lommis one that I saw originally and tried. It's very good! I thought I remembered the raisins, too, and this confirms it. You truly are a search goddess! :eek:)

Happy that the Smothered Cauliflower is the recipe. I have the

Italian Farmhouse Cookbook and really enjoy it.

Strange thing is, I don't own it! I only have Dori's, but must've seen the

Loomis one online. You should try it - it's very good!

It sounds good! But I'd have to get 2 pans dirty ;o) I wonder why they

say to cook the cauliflower until it's dark brown... sounds like that's a bit too overdone.
