ISO: ISO: Empty spice jars.....

In Search Of:


Well-known member
I found a couple of places on the internet but just wondered if any of you have a place where you get them at a great price before I order these.

My stepson wants me to set him up with spices again (did it many years ago) and I have so many spices in bulk plus my own special blends, that I really just want to find the containers and fill them for him.

We get all our herb and spice jars from Penzey's because...

...they're standardized sizes and shapes and easy to fit into racks (rotating, pantry door, shelves, etc). They're also the right size that if you want to label the *top* of them as well, like we do, circular stick dots you can get at any office supply section fit them perfectly. And they're inexpensive.

Penzey's Container online store

So we buy the herbs and spices in the bags (the larger amounts) and put almost all of them into the 1/2 cup jars that have shaker lids (jar "A" in the picture), removing the shaker bit if they're spoonable, and refilling the jars as necessary. It's a good system.

We use a *lot* of herbs and spices and go through them at a pretty good clip. And since you should replace any that are over a year old anyhow, it works just fine. smileys/smile.gif
