ISO: ISO food for long plane trip. It sounds like many of you travel

In Search Of:


Well-known member
often and I was looking for ideas for plane food for my 8 y/o, my DH and myself. Fortunately, we are not picky eaters, other than we just really want food that does not drag us down and make us feel like slugs after eating. I wonder if we can bring produce aboard and a dip, at least. Any ideas are certainly appreciated!


Nothing liquid - including dressing and dips. I usually pack string cheese, nuts or trail mix,

a sandwich, little Pringles cup, cookies or slice of cake, fork, napkins, wet wipes. My daughter goes back and forth to Boston so I usually have a bag lunch made for her. If there's something that needs to be cold, I throw in one of those small freezer packs -- cheap from Target. Unless you're waiting 4 hours to eat something, most things will stay just fine until you get around to eating them.

I bring fruits like apples and a banana, or a small bag of grapes.

As chezz says, you're not allowed to bring anything liquid.

I haven't thought about mixed nuts before. I'm definitely bringing that on my next trip!

On longer fares I wrap up a sandwich to go. I hate airport cafeteria foods and prefere to bring my own.

I always bring a cheese sandwich, with bit of marge and mustard and some fruit cut up in a baggie.

For a long trip or tour, my iron rations are large packages of peanut butter nabs (unavailable anywhere but US) and fig newtons. Neat and concentrated nutrition.

Don't bring foods that need to be kept cold.

Frozen gel packs, used to keep food chilled, will be confiscated.
We generally have a number of snack/cereal bars with us. I go for the lower calorie ones, so I can spread my intake out over time. I like the Powerbar Pria bars, but there are others like that.
Grapes make good snacks, as do packaged cheese or peanut butter crackers. Cheese sticks are also a good choice.

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I have read that the tray tables on planes are the worst villans for the spread of illness. I wipe it and the arm rests as soon as I get on. I bring a sandwich, almonds, grapes, cliff bars (against the possibility of being stuck on the runway for hours) a few cookies and water. I bring a couple of empty water bottles through security and then fill them at a water fountain. Beats paying the bandits $3.00 for a bottle of water. At the risk of sounding like a health freak I also use Vicam and the wipes frequently during the journey especially after using the rest room. I'm sure you know never to drink the water in the rest room sink. I travel from JFK to Geneva frequently and stay pretty healthy using these precautions.

Not a food, but in addition to staying hydrated with plenty of water, I use

nasal saline spray every half hour or so to keep nasal passages moist. Apparently little germs like to linger in DRY passages. I hardly ever get sick after any plane ride any more (it used to be standard!).

