ISO: ISO: Freezer Slaw recipe. I thought one had been posted, but I sure can't find it in search. I

In Search Of:
Hi Ang. I used my Sweet and Sour Freezer Pickle recipe once to make freezer slaw.

It turned out really good. I followed the same recipe only subbed sliced cabbage (not coleslaw mix), red bell pepper, onions and some cukes. I salted it and iced it for a really crispy pickle. I sliced everything with my food processor. Let me know if you find another one. I love freezer pickles and such. I gave my stepdaughter some of the freezer pickles the other day, and she sent me a text saying she wanted to marry them. LOL.

thanks Dawn! I didn't think about using this recipe. I think it'll be a winner. it's for bookclub

night in May. I'm making "Indiana" old-timey foods. My book is Zippy, a memoir of growing up in small town Indiana in the 60s/70s, which is just about my story. I can't quite decide on my menu. Either BBQ beef sandwiches and this cole slaw and chips and dessert, or Meatloaf and green beans and new potatoes and spinach salad---all recipes from my Amish cookbook, or NLBs chicken noodle casserole and green beans. such tough decisions!
