ISO: ISO. Honey drizzled over some camembert on a cracker is good - right?

In Search Of:


Well-known member
I'm in the midst of writing a short article and I want to recommend it but now I can't recall if I've ever had it or not. I'm sure I have or I wouldn't have thought of it but someone please concur.

Feeling a tad flighty.....


Honey drizzled over anything is good, imho

Although I, myself, don't really like savory and sweet mixed together. But that's just MHO too.

I think honey drizzled over any tangy or salty cheese is a great combo. you're good to go smileys/smile.gif

In Italy I was recently served three stages of local Pecorino with three kinds of honey--mildest

honey (millefiore) to be eaten with the youngest cheese, and strongest honey (chestnut) with the oldest.

Not sure honey would go with every cheese, though. Then again, why not? I came across some new pairings this trip, such as puckery candied lemon "jam" with cheese. Who'da thunk, lemon with cheese?
