ISO: ISO how to get into Pinterest. I felt so smart yesterday. Having a discussion at a party about

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Marketing. General discussion about how technology has changed the marketing mix of how a product is reached to consumers. No longer radio, print, commercials.... Have to evaluate the impact of internet hits, facebook, etc. You get it.

A high level exec from the magazine industry chimed in saying that Pinterest is now a big deal. She was commenting that she has to learn more about it. I felt so knowledgable about being able to somewhat chime in about crack bread! : )

It was quite funny. BUT, now having said that, I want to learn how to pin. I requested a password, and do not think they have invited me in. Anyone have a suggestion?

Pinterest is getting into a bit of trouble....

... for copyright issues.

Many bloggers are shutting down their Pinterest accounts, as well as photographers. Because you are supposed to pin material that doesn't belong to you, and not everyone gives proper credit, there have been huge problems and lawsuits.

I am not sure what will happen, but I've been following it all...

You have to be invited to join...

which is what so many places do to spark interest. (Yawn, so old news.)

I did get an invite, but when I found I had to join via FB or Twitter (no email/etc option) I was done. Don't force me to belong to a service I don't want, to belong to yours. Of course that's just me because most everyone else is all about the FB/TW accts and don't care.

Plus, lots of times I see something I like, want to find out more, and there is no link back to the product/info.

I just heard about this site yesterday.I guess I live under a rock I got the same balogna about

Waiting for an invitation. I checked the app store and there is a .99 cent app. I didn't try it. I'm not about to join Face Book over this.

I use pinterest a lot... I always link directly to the blog/site I find the pic on...

if you want an invitation I need your email though. Not sure if pm's are still working or not?

I love pinterest. smileys/smile.gif

Sent you a pm; Tx! I feel this compelling need to check it out. I have a fb account, but only

used it for Joe's garden. If you did not get my pm, let me know. Thanks!

Barb - were you able to join via email??

I didn't have someone send me an invite, P*nterest I'm wondering if someone sends me an invite if I can join via email instead of FB or Tw*tter.


I joined through an invite that Carrianna sent to my yahoo "spam" email account.

I set up the yahoo account years ago for everything but my personal stuff. I do have a facebook account, but it is similiar to my yahoo account, used for spam. I think I set it up for "Our Garden" The email invite did not ask for a facebook account.

So you signed up via email?

When I got my invite I had no other option but to create my login/sign-up to pint*rest using Fb or Tw*tter - I don't have accounts or want accts at either. So I couldn't sign up.

If you could create an acct using an email address, I'll ask Carrianna or someone, if they're willing, to send me an invite too (and use my spam/throw away email address to sign-up with too).

Maybe they've changed their set-up or getting an invite from a person vs. them has different options. (Who knows!?)

Did you get an invite? I honestly have been so busy that have not checked it out. If you did not

get one, let me know. I think you have my email.
