ISO: ISO ideas for a bumper crop of parsely, both curly and flat-leaf. I have so much of it in the garden

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and It will likely go to seed in March. Any ideas besides tabouli?

I remember reading an Amy Tan novel where the main character in China made parsely dumplings as a specialty, but my search has so far produced recipes for American dumplings with a little parsley in them. I was wondering about a soup or some kind of dumpling where parsley is the main ingredient.

All I can tell you is it freezes beautifully. Just wash, dry and put it in a plastic sack.

Chop it from the frozen state when needed for cooking.

And I'm pretty sure you knew that. smileys/smile.gif

green falafel; ie. falafel with extra parsley added

Then eat the falafel on a salad of parsley, tomatoes, cukes, and onions dressed lightly in a lemony vinaigrette. I like a generous portion of tahini sauce on my falafel.

I like parsley and add some to everything I can when it is in season here. I have tried to grow some in a pot over the winter but have been only marginally successful, even though our winter is short and I have a pretty good east window.

Thanks Meryl, these all sound good. I'll be sure to try Alton's salad at the next garden potluck.
