ISO: ISO Joe: Fig Rye.. have you ever incorporated the figs directly into the dough? I'd like to make a r

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Once I tried adding the figs at the beginning but they made the dough around them soggy. (more)

So it's better to wait until after the first rise as directed. I usually roll out the dough, spread on some of the figs and fold, roll again and repeat. Then forming the loaves finishes he job of distributing them so you don't get layers.

For a large round loaf, I think I would roll and fold a few more times and then form the round.

Hey Cyndy, stay safe and warm in the storm tonight!!! We are only supoosed to get a few inches.

Thank you! I have to bring something on Saturday to a friend's house,

think I'll let the loaf proof overnight in the fridge and bake it before my brunch date, then I can bring it, warmish, to the party. A very nice lady I met on Twitter gave me a bunch of figs that she and her nanny (who is still a close family friend) prepare and dry each year. They are so lovely, I want to do something special with them.
