ISO: ISO Joe - I made the Brown Sugar Buttermilk Coffee Cake recipe you posted - very nice!

In Search Of:
Great! I love that recipe, especially when I have a group of teens to feed.

I like using dark brown sugar--it cuts down a bit on the perceived sweetness I first commented about.

I didn't pack the sugar, based on your notes in the recipe. I like the idea of dark

brown sugar, it would add a bit more molasses-y flavor to the cake.

I'm going to freeze some and see how it holds up.

it rises quite a bit. I don't think it would fit. Also, the streusel might not get crisp

if it is not on top.

But you could do it in two 8" pans.

Nope, only one square. I am lacking in the pans department (all my good pans are in Prague). smileys/frown.gif
