I can't find my recent notes on the recipe. A result of 2 people filing. I believe that
even when I do a smaller piece of meat, I do a large quantity of the paste. I really plug the meat up and then rub it all over with it.
These are the comments that I posted from the first time I tried it....
What a treat! An inexpensive cut of meat that was not dry and was tender. I followed the recipe exactly. It was just delicious. I halved the proportions for the 2 of us and think that we had a lot of paste for the amount of meat; that was just fine. I used it all. ANd the extra rubbed on the surface or between planes of the meat, worked beautifully. I would not say that at 4 forks, it's a dish "beyond compare", but I was comparing it with other inexpensive cuts. We ate it with julienne of carrots and fennel roasted with olive oil and garlic. Perfect. One warning though...be sure the pancetta is very fresh. Even a slightly off piece would be a nasty aroma with the lamb.
But now we love it more than then. And I don't cook it that long.