ISO: ISO MariaNoCA: Is the Yahoo Groups forum still usable? If so, I was thinking we could use the PM

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feature over there, since this one is mostly unusable. Or else, the forum that Dawn had set up might be able to be used - I think it was DawnMO who set it up. What do you think?

Yes, the Y! Eat.At group is still live...

The forum Dawn set up I'm pretty sure does have a PM function, but we didn't end up with a lot of folks signed up over there. I'd add the link to it here, but I may have lost it when my pc crashed b/c I can't find it now.

The Y! Group doesn't have a specific PM setting given Y! Groups platform is email based. You could email a member via the group though. You can go in under "Members" view the list and send a message (aka email) to a member.

Do you think it would be easier to use the PM's at Dawn's forum? I'm just looking for an alternative

so members can PM each other! For example, I have some brand new cookbooks to give away, and would need to be able to PM people in order to exchange email addresses, so they can email me their home addresses, etc.

Me Dawn? I still have the low-carb forum, but you might be referring to Dawn_MO?

If you do mean me, I can see what is involved with messaging, etc. at Yahoo groups. Let me know :eek:)

Yes, it's Dawn_MO, found the link for that forum...

it looks like you can both email and PM someone, however there are less than half the members there vs. the Y! site so someone might need to sign-up before you could contact them through there. It's an open site though (vs. how I configured Y! to be private/invite only) so should be easy for anyone to do that who wants to.

You can contact folks via Y!, but it's email only.

I haven't tried to PM in a while, but can you use it with subject lines only? Thought that was working, at least for a while.

Thanks for the link! Yeah, sometimes it works here in the subject line, but not for everyone.
