ISO: ISO Meryl - Thanks for posting the Streusel Topped Triple Berry Coffee Cake... a keeper! I made it

In Search Of:


Well-known member
this morning - we each had two pieces. (I was going to try it w/ a scoop of ice cream like you suggested, but I only had mint chocolate chip....)

I made it with blueberries and strawberries. The only change I will make next time will be to bake it in an 8" pan (as you mentioned) vs the 9" called for. I'm going to try it with raspberries and mango next time.

Thanks again for sharing!

Oh my goodness Meryl, I am ashamed to admit that

I ate the equivalent of about 5 pieces of this yesterday (oink) and I made DH finish it this morning.

I wonder how this would translate into muffins? Then I could make it and freeze some, since apparently I have no self-control. I could just cut it and freeze some of the pieces individually.........

Hey Lisa, I sympathize - this one's dangerous! I'm not sure about the muffin idea, since I've never

tried it, but I do freeze the leftover pieces of the coffee cake. I just wrap each piece in foil, then place in a ziplock. The hard part is to stop myself from eating piece after piece right after it's baked, so that there IS something left to freeze! The great part about this cake is that it's equally good served warm, room temperature, or cool, and of course, I had to try it all three ways one day - just for scientific/testing reasons, you understand.
Not that it needs it, but wait until you try it with some good vanilla ice cream - insane.

The muffins may be worth a try. If you make them, let me know how they turn out!
