ISO: ISO: Mexican Cookbook by Sunset Books--several people have mentioned this book....

In Search Of:
Barbara, I have two editions, the 1969 and the 1989. There is also a

1977 edition, I don't know if there are any later edtions. I got the 1989 when I realized that Michael had access to recipes mine lacked. I would recommend the 1989 edition also. It is updated quite a bit from the 1969 edition and it's also easier to get a nice copy. Mine was printed in 1993 and is in excellent condition. The 1969 edition is falling apart.

Edited to say I see Cathy gave you the exact name. The 1969 edition to avoid is called "Sunset Mexican Cook Book".

It is just called Sunset Mexican Cookbook Classic and Contemporary Recipes

I have the 1989 version and wouldn't give this book up for anything.

This is my go to book.

I've had it forever and, no matter how many new Mexican cookbooks I've bought, I always end up referring back to it.

On a sad note, we had the Sunset Polish cookbook and in our move from NC to CA it was lost forever. I have not been able to locate another copy and it also had several standbys that I loved.
