ISO: ISO Mimi - New tech problem - Suddenly when I read a post, then click BACK, it takes me to the top

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of the page again, and I can't see where I was. I have to keep scrolling down, just to get to that last post I read. This started yesterday, and has never happened in the whole year I've been here. Help!

Hey Meryl, welcome to Netscape. It's done this for me since the beginning. You

probably don't have Netscape but it's becoming more of a limited program. It being Netscape

Hey Marg - I have IE6, and this is the first time I've had problems! Apparently, they just changed

servers over here, although I can't see how that could have caused this.

Wow, I didn't realize how many people were having this problem. Hope someone can fix this!

Okay, it's because of the new server. I've reported this. Thanks for the heads-up. :eek:)

Me too with Firefox. Has been a pain since the beginning but never happened at

Epi (and I was using Firefox there as well). Any chance it can be fixed too (asking pretty pleez and keeping fingers crossed).

Hi Meryl...if you're technically minded, it has to be because of the..

no-cache directive that the server is sending out. See the link I sent to Pat a few replies down. That explains how the no-cache thing works (but not why it suddenly stopped working in IE).

It might be something else, but I think it's related to that. I'm not a server admin so my understanding of these things is a litte hazy.

FYI Mimi - since this morning I am being returned to the post I was reading so all is OK here again.
