ISO: ISO: Old appliance plug, 2 prong, 11/16" spacing between prongs

In Search Of:


Found an old tabletop Electrahot waffle iron, sold without a cord and bought it in a burst of hope while making the (oh, so incorrect) assumption of "how hard could it be to find a power cord?"

(This is where FATE snorts in derision.)

NOTE: I'd just like to BORROW it to see if the waffle iron even works before I buy one online. I found a cord on ebay, but they want $18 + $9 shipping and right now I don't even know if this appliance works. It looks like the one at the link.

If I still had the house and all its stuff, I could send you one. Why not go to the thrift store?

You should be able to find a suitable appliance with plug for $4.

That looks just like the top of my old, old (my dad gave it to me for Christmas circa 1957) and very sticky waffle iron. It went out to the garbage in the move.

OK, just asked my resident airplane mechanic (John) and he said

you should be able to test it with a VOM (volt ohm meter) and it should tell you if the circuit is complete. If it is, it should heat. Does this help at all?

Already tried that. We have six in this area and I went to every one before getting sick.

One of sweet guys there gave me a two prong cord and said the spacing was always the same.

Ya. He would be wrong. The prong spacing on his old cord was 1/2" apart and I need 11/16".
