ISO: ISO Olga: I made the Summer Squash Pie for lunch today and it is superb!

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I "Moyn'd" it a bit by adding some Italian herbs and garlic powder and a circle of sliced Roma tomatoes. Next time, I would pre-bake the crust a bit longer(I also painted some of the egg mixture over the bottom and then did the final pre-bake)and add a handful of fresh herbs---I had some dill that I wish I had used and some crispy bacon would be a nice addition too. Also, I would pour about 1/3 of the egg mixture into the crust first, then layer the zucchini and then pour the rest of the egg mixture over the top. the egg mixture was a bit thick and didn't sink down around the veggies too well. I baked it for 45 minutes, cranking the heat to 375 for the last 15 minutes for more color on top. We ate it for lunch at room temp. I was able to do all the cutting and pre-baking and mixing last night, then I just assembled it this morning and baked it. So fresh and good. thanks. oh, and I only used about 1/2 of the can of onions.
