ISO: ISO online shopping list / receipe converter

In Search Of:


A while back I ran across a link where you'd enter the address link for a recipe posted online into an online tool and it created a shopping list -and/or was a recipe converter too. I can't recall.

I could use both and was looking for a converter where you didn't need to enter all the ingredients by hand. (I have one that does that.)

Anyone see or recall what I'm talking about? My bookmark is on the dead laptop.


Gah, thanks but these aren't it -- it generated lists from here too!

It's really bugging me because I and I've been looking for quite some time. And the recovery of my bookmarks from the dead laptop doesn't have anything newer than July -- and I found it recently. It was billed as "enter any food blog link" and it will generate a list. So I experimented and tried a link for here -- and it worked!

I'm pretty sure I was on some food blog and the blogger wrote a post/linked to it. Of course I didn't bother to join...
