ISO: ISO: Please recommend what type of red wine I should use in Coq au Vin

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I haven't made it in ages and the recipe doesn't indicate which kind. And I'm a strictly white wine drinker so I don't know alot about reds.



was going to say burgundy, since you don't have red on hand, but last time I used zinfindel and it

was great. but if the merlot worked?
Need to do it again!

wine for coq au vin

Deb, coq au vin comes from Burgundy, so the 'proper' wine would be French red Burgundy, which is a pinot noir. That's if you want to hold strictly to what it 'should' be. The most important thing is to not use a too tannic wine like cabernet sauvignon. The idea is to use a rather fruity, not too oaky wine. Unforunately, pinot noir tends to be expensive these days. If you use a zinfandel instead (Nan knows her stuff!) that would be just right since it is less tannic and very fruity. Also a Cotes-du-Rhone or Beaujolais Villages (not a Beaujolais Nouveau), as a non-pinot noir French wine would be fine. Just to throw a fun wrench into the works, I always use a not-too-oaky Chardonnay (which is the grape of white Burgundy) instead of red - like the results and color better. cheers, Bonnie

Me too, I like a dry white wine in there most times too. We are renegades...

but I think it gives it a nice taste and I don't like how the red color "muddies up" the coor of the meat.

Thank you! Your answers are extremely helpful...

and I certainly appreciate recommendations for a less expensive wine. Also figured that someone would recommend a white wine - have read that that is good too. Glad to have some T&T recommendations in that category.


Deb, Trader Joe's has a French Cotes de Rhone for $4.99 that I always use for Coq au Vin and Beef

Bourguignon. I believe it is called "Cave des Papes" and it is in a squat bottle. It's a simple hearty table wine, my favorite red for cooking, and not bad for drinking.

I think the oakiness of a lot of California wines gets in the way of the other flavors.

Good to know! I'll be near a TJ's on Tuesday...

not cooking until Thursday. Am making this for a friend that has a round of chemo every three weeks. And every three weeks I bring her and her husband a meal. They'll love this!

Joe, you had coc au vin in France, and they made it with white wine?! Isn't that

a little like blastphomy? (heheh, only kidding)

LOL, the only blasphemy would be using a non-Burgundy wine.They kick you out of the country for that

So the cotes du Rhone I've been using is a sin.
