ISO: ISO Randi: could your Bacon and Leek Flan mixture be put into small tart pans lined with pastry and

In Search Of:


Well-known member
baked like mini-quiches? I'm thinking of making these for an appetizer, but would need it to be more of a finger food. I might pick Barbara Kingsolver's Animal-Vegetable-Miracle as my bookclub selection and I could make this with local leeks and moose bacon. Our local dairy closed, so the cream will be from "outside".

I don't see why not. the filling is just a bit silkier than a quiche and I'm sure it would turn out

just great. let me know if you do it that way.

goodness, haven't made that in over a year now and was thinking about it a couple of days ago. gotta get back to my cooking groove.

just emailed this to Joe and I'm planning on trying it the end of the week on some of my friends. of course, even though I didn't shroom this year, I still have a healthy stash of porcini and it makes it very reasonable for me.

by the way, you and Nan with the moose stuff just get me giggling.

take care of yourself and enjoy the quiche/flan

