Ach ja mein Liebchen! REC: Vanille-Creme-Schnitten
I haven't made this, I just got it from my files. Sounds like what you're looking for. You can always sub your own vanilla pastry cream for the procedure described in this recipe, which is what I would do because I wouldn't use vanilla pudding mix.
Ingredients for 10 slices:
4 slices (each appr. 2.5 oz)frozen puff pastry
Flour for the work surface
a little oil
2 eggs
100 g sugar (scant ½ cup, or 7 tbl)
1 liter milk (1 quart plus 1.8 oz.)
3 packages Vanilla pudding mix (NOTE: for cooking with 1/2 l milk--this means, you're using twice the milk called for the 3 packages of pudding, you're going to cook it with eggs to thicken it and lighten it with egg whites. You should purchase enough cooked vanilla pudding mix that would use appr. 1/2 liter of milk, in whatever combination of large and small boxes works. Obviously the German pudding powder boxes are different sizes that in US markets)
100 g icing sugar
4-5 tsp lemon juice
Parchment paper, aluminum foil
1. Thaw puff pastry . Stack 2 slices on each other to make the bottom and again for the top, roll out on a little flour to a rectangle (about 24 x 32 cm). Prick with a fork several times. Place on baking sheet lined with parchment and place in the fridge to rest about 15 minutes. Bake in preheated oven 400 °F, about 15 minutes . Cool.
2. Evenly cut each layer in half lengthwise to make 4 rectangles. Center and place two layers on two sheets of aluminum foil, appr. 24 inches long. Lightly brush the foil around the layer with oil. Fold the sides of the foil up to make an even border around the bottom layers. Set aside.
3. Separate eggs . Beat the egg whites wit a pinch of salt until stiff. Drizzle in 1 tbls. sugar and continue beating until the sugar is dissolved. Combine 1 / 4 l milk , egg yolks , pudding mix and remaining sugar until smooth. Bring the remaining milk to a boil. Stir in the pudding mix, bring to a boil again, and cook briefly. Remove from heat and fold in beaten egg whites . Cool pudding for 5-10 minutes . Spread the pudding on the bottom layer. Chill for five hours .
4. Cut the remaining two rectangles into 5 even pieces (or do this in 6 to make it easier). Stir the powdered sugar and lemon juice to a smooth glaze. Brush the tops with the glaze and set aside to dry.
5. Remove the aluminum foil from the bases . Place 5 glazed tiles of pastry on each base. Cut the assembled layers into 5 slices between the top layers.
Note: You can also dust the tops with powdered sugar instead of glazing them.
Zutaten für 10 Stück:
4 Scheiben (à 75 g) TK-Blätterteig
Mehl für die Arbeitsfläche, etwas Öl
2 Eier (Gr. M), Salz
100 g Zucker, 1 l Milch
3 Päckchen Puddingpulver
"Vanille" (zum Kochen; für je 1/2 l Milch)
100 g Puderzucker
4-5 TL Zitronensaft
Backpapier, Alufolie
1. Blätterteig auftauen. Je 2 Scheiben aufeinander legen, auf wenig Mehl zu je 1 Rechteck (ca. 24 x 32 cm) ausrollen. Mit einer Gabel mehrmals einstechen. Auf 2 mit Backpapier ausgelegte Bleche legen, am kühlen Ort ca. 15 Minuten ruhen lassen. Im vorgeheizten Ofen (E-Herd: 200 °C/ Umluft: 175 °C/Gas: Stufe 3) ca. 15 Minuten backen. Auskühlen.
2. Die Teigränder der Blätterteig-Platten gerade schneiden. Beide Platten längs halbieren, so dass insgesamt 4 Rechtecke (ca. 10 x 27 cm) entstehen. 2 Platten auf je 1 Stück Alufolie (ca. 40 x 60 cm) legen, die Folie rundherum zu einem 5-6 cm hohen Rand knicken und hochbiegen. Den Alu-Rand innen mit Öl bestreichen.
3. Eier trennen. Eiweiß und 1 Prise Salz steif schlagen. Unter weiterem Schlagen 1 EL Zucker einrieseln lassen. Weiterschlagen, bis der Zucker gelöst ist. 1/4 l Milch, Eigelb, Puddingpulver und Rest Zucker glatt rühren. Rest Milch aufkochen. Puddingpulver einrühren und nochmals kurz aufkochen. Eischnee unterheben. Pudding 5-10 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Pudding auf die unteren Teigplatten streichen. Ca. 5 Stunden kalt stellen.
4. Übrige 2 Platten in je 5 Stücke (ca. 5 x 10 cm) schneiden.
Puderzucker und Zitronensaft glatt rühren. Blätterteigstücke damit bestreichen, trocknen.
5. Alufolienränder lösen. Jeweils 5 Teigstücke auf einen Puddingstreifen legen. Beide Streifen in je 5 Schnitten teilen.