ISO: ISO: Recipe for Mocha Buttercream

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Well-known member
I want to do a different 'cupcake' each month on my blog and I'd love to do one with Mocha Buttercream. Any body have a recipe they wouldn't mind sharing?

Big thanks,


When I want to make mocha buttercream frosting, I just add

a tablespoon or so of instant coffee granuals to my regular chocolate buttercream frosting recipe. But that doesn't sound "blog worthy" though, sorry.

I like your blog idea. A few years ago I had the idea of giving someone in the family (that was hard to buy for) a dozen different cookies each month. I had so much fun planning what I'd make (lacey cookies for May, sandies for July, sunflowers for September), but the idea never became a reality!

So you add the granules whole and they 'blend' once mixed?

Thanks for the fast reply, Dawn.

Do the granules break up and smoothly blended when added to the buttercream (we are just talking about a powdered sugar/butter buttercream - right?)?

I've never use the powder - I've just used coffee instead of water in chocolate cakes:)


I have done this with disolving a tsp of instant in just a tiny bit of hot water, almost a paste.

I found it blended in better, but it depends on the brand of instant. I had the big crystal kind that might not have dissolved in just the frosting. you might need 2 tsp or more if it's a lot of frosting.

Try mixing the coffee granules with 1 or two tablespoons water. . .

you can liquefy more coffee granules than you think; the coffee loves water and will dissolve instantly. Use this strong liquid instead of/with any liquid required for spread-ability in you buttercream recipe.

Yes, I've used powdered that blends pretty well with the frosting, but sometimes I do

have to crush it, and have also made a paste with a little hot water, as Ang suggested.
