ISO: ISO recipes for small venison steaks.

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You can pound them thin and cook as you would

country fried steak. Are they cut from the tenderloin?

They all different cuts and most bone-in. It's my brothers meat.

He shot the deer himself so he has all different cuts. I have a really good sauerbraten recipe I'm giving him for a roast. I think he is planning on grilling the steaks.

If he grills, be sure to cook to rare or medium rare. Will be really

tough otherwise because it is SSSSOOOOO lean. It makes an elegant ragout, ground makes wonderful chili and spaghetti.
If he grills the steak maybe a sauce made with cherries and port
When we get venison, I prefer to bone out all the pieces. Be absolutely sure that there is no fat or silverskin on any of the pieces. it is nasty.

Thanks for the input. My brother is a good cook and grills really well

so I know he won't overcook it.
