ISO: ISO recipes for stuffed zucchini flowers, I have a boat load.

In Search Of:
I had some delectable ones in Rome last Summer - tried to recreate...

They were stuffed with a soft cheese ( I used a fresh mozzarella) and fried. I dipped mine into a tempura batter and sprinkled them with sea salt while they were still hot. I suppose you could drizzle them with a light marinara sauce, but my guests devoured them as soon as I got them out of the frying pan.

Wow ! Thanks AngAk. Just what I needed. It's already 100 deg here, cooling down from

104 yesterday and 106 the day before. So I'll just gather the flowers tomorrow morning.

I had them stuffed with burrata and deep fried at a restaurant, served on a slice of heirloom tomato

The batter was so light and crispy! I'm sure it was made with eggs that were separated and then the eggwhites beaten.

I couldn't find burrata used in any way for lunch or dinner options in their online menu

although that trio of roasted beets salad sounds TDF!

Trying to find someplace that serves burrata on their lunch menu for the DD...
