ISO: ISO Richard, rvb and any other German readers: a foodie blog site from No Germany

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Das größte Forum

zum Austausch von Rezepten ist

da bin ich Mitglied. Es gibt noch einige andere, aber ich bin eben keine "Klatschbase". Tolle und erprobte Rezepte.

Gruß aus dem Norden Deutschlands, der gerade unter Orkanen leidet.

Vielen Dank Ostwestwind...

Besuche ich sofort! Das tut mir sehr Leid dass Sie unter Orkanen leiden. : (

Halten Sie Fest!

Bis bald...

Wie gehts, ostwestwind? I hope you continue to join us. My relatives are in the Bremen area.


real name is Ulrike and I live at the end of Kiel Canal in Kiel, 2 hours by car north of Bremen. I hope my English is good enough to follow this forum.

What about Chefkoch?


your English is wonderful and clear. Don't give it a thought.

I have a former colleague and friend who lives in Kiel, nearby you.

I tried to post at your blog, but I received an error message. Do I register? I was responding to the post about the Mautaschen. (mmmmmmm). I've tried them in Franconia, in Swabia, and various other locals, but the best, the absolute pinnacle of Mautaschenheit is served at Gasthof zum Baren on the Bodensee. Sigh...Such a work of the culinary arts! The chef lovingly makes them completely from scratch using his Grossmutter's old family recipe. Do you know of the Baren's Mautaschen? A bit on the other end of the country from where you are though.

I have registered at chefkoch. There is a lot there to take in all at once! Are all the forums broken up by small topics? I was hoping to find a general room that most people frequent, but didn't see one. I look forward to more exploring.

I'm not looking so much for recipes as I am traditions, techniques, and history. I have many German and Austrian cookbooks, but am always fascinated to learn the old-family secret recipes and traditions. If you know of such an area at chefkoch I would be much obliged if you could point me in that direction.

And in the meantime, welcome. It is so good to have you here.

I was in Kiel, for the 1972 Olympics. So beautiful.

We have EvaN in Norway, and Erin in Prague and Bonnie in Holland and Joannie in the Carribean---now we have you in Germany. Such fun. Small world.

Welcome! So good to have you here. I don't speak a word of Deutsch and I'm not even sure that's

the right word, but it's good to have you here. Please stay, there are obviously people who can help with translations if needed.

Thanks for the warm welcome

For leaving a comment on my blog you just have to press the button "Kommentar verfassen"

If you want to leave a comment as an unregistered user you need the following words:
Name your name or alias

URL: that's clear, isn't it? You don't need any

Meine Eingaben merken? Should your computer memorize, what you typed in?

Titel means title, heading or head line

Text the same in English, just text smileys/smile.gif

Bitte gib das verzerrt angezeigte Wort ein: Decipher the deformed letters/word and type them/it in the right way.

Neues Bild = new picture

sichern means to save or say it smileys/smile.gif)

abbrechen means to cancel

Thanks for the help,

but I got a server error after submitting my data.

I read and followed all the instructions (I used to translate German technical data processing manuals from Siemens-Nixdorf Berlin into English, so I'm fairly up on German computer vocabulary).

I'll try it again. Thanks and welcome!
