ISO: ISO snack ideas for hospital tomorrow...

In Search Of:


My BIL will be having back surgery tomorrow. His prostate cancer spread and created a mass on his spine that fractured it, so it's going to be a long difficult surgery. Plus, they moved him to a hospital in SF for this, so not sure what is around there food wise.

I'd like to make/bring some snacks while we wait - any good snack ideas?

Prayers heading your way.... You may consider bringing an insulated bag with an assortment of

snacks / treats. Throw in some water bottles, magazines / books, and granola mix, grapes in a plastic container, M&Ms.

All the best,

It is a long surgery, so consider eating a meal in the cafeteria or bringing sandwiches

try to keep it healthy, you will feel better for it and so will your body. Carrot and celery sticks with a hummus dip (that you make) string cheese for protein, apple wedges with a peanut butter cup. If you are going to be in a public waiting room, there is a chance of bored kids clamoring around you when you pull out the snacks. Most hospitals have an out of the way waiting room, ask the recovery desk volunteer to guide you, if you prefer more privacy.
It helps to plan something besides waiting at the hospital. If there is to be a group of you, one group can leave for a few hours, go shopping, go out to eat, go to a movie, etc.
Then the other group can go out when you come back, It sure helps keeps the spirits up, it can get very boring and tiring, to sit for hours and hours. Sitting in a waiting room full of others who are waiting for loved ones to come out of serious surgeries can be very stressful, because you all get to talking about the surgeries.

Can you tell I volunteered in a hospital for many years? I saw how other families handled the waiting situations.

I hope all goes well for him.

DDIL just sat in the hospital for about 14 hours waiting for DS to finish his

ablation. She literally walked 10 miles (fitbit or such!). Walked all over the hospital's grounds.
They went off campus to eat a bite at one time.

Lots of kinds of nuts, both roasted and raw, salted and not, grapes,

cheese sticks, yogurt cups, granola bars, juice boxes, and cookies, of course! Halloween candies will be appreciated, too. Colleen

Thanks all - you were right, healthy stuff!

The other stuff they have in the vending machines. I got grapes/crackers/nuts/etc. We will likely eat a meal in the cafeteria as I'm sure at this stage of his cancer + the back surgery nobody will want to be offsite. (I don't know yet if they are going to try to remove the mass.)

My brain was only thinking about sugary stuff to make, but that does not go well with nervous stomachs - thanks for putting me on the right track!

Too Late, But

Having worked in a hospital (albeit a small local one) as a pink lady, I know that the nurses's station has a room that keeps coffee, soft drinks, ice cream, soup, crackers, peanut butter, and all sorts of other things to eat and they are always glad to give them to family members (not just patients). Do no hesitate to ask.
