ISO: ISO something simple with baby artichokes

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An impulse purchase this morning on the walk home from my barber -- the Italian grocer was opening up a box of beautiful baby artichokes, no more than an inch across. Got a whole bag for only a couple of dollars.

I have several artichoke recipes, but most also include fresh fava beans, or mint and other herbs I don't have, or require more time than I have on a weeknight. Is there something simple I can do with them?

cut off the tought stem end and peel any tough, outer, leaves. I'll usually steam

them for a few minutes to ensure they are tender. cut in half, lengthwise and sautee in a bit of olive oil and garlic. plate and drizzle with nice EVO and sea salt to taste.

that's one of the classic Italian preperations and I just love them like that.

both sides. you can also broil them to get them crisp and then add sauteed garlic and EVO

actually, broiling would be the more correct way to do them if you don't have a char grill. one of my friends back in NYC used to serve these as part of an antipasto in his resturant. always good.

and I find that the longer they marinate, the more I like them.

If they aren't real babies, you may want to parboil, but low heat on the Q. And get rid of that snow. We just shovelled it off our deck and anything that is leftover is now in the shade. It'll probably clear by August.
