ISO: ISO Steve2 in LA & Pat in TO- regarding Christopher Ranch peeled garlic

In Search Of:


Well-known member
I contacted Christopher Ranch because I didn't think there were any preservatives in their peeled garlic so I was puzzled by both of your responses back on thread- Steve, yours saying the preservatives change the taste and that the cloves don't last very long and yours, Pat, saying th cloves don't taste fresh- today I got my response from Christopher Ranch: "Our peeled cloves are 100% natural with no preservatives or additives." Just as I thought.

Maybe you both are using a different product than I use?? The refrigerated peeled garlic cloves taste fresh and just fine to me- and they last a really long time- generally almost a month before I see any signs of withering, mold or slime.

I'm certainly not trying to start a controversy here but just felt I needed to make sure we are talking about the same product.


Interesting that they don't use preservatives but I've always found that pre-peeled garlic just tastes "different". Now, the seriously preserved, pre-chopped garlic from somebody else tastes awful, which is not to be confused with "different".

To be more succinct, I find the flavor to be less than "fresh". If forced to guess why, I'd posit the oil in the garlic changes once out of the skin.

Thanks for checking it out, though. Whenever I'm using HUGE amounts of garlic, I DO go with the pre-peeled 'cause I hate the peeling so.

I also keep pre-peeled garlic in the fridge for convenience, but I find the

flavor changes after about a week. I get it from the local Japanese or Korean markets - super cheap, so I don't feel bad if I have to throw some out.
