ISO: ISO Steve2 in LA re. sparkling wine

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I tried to send you a pm but that function doesn't seem to be working.

My first effort at carbonating wine in my Soda Stream resulted in wine bubbling all over the counter. I want to try again and was hoping you had been more successful than I and could advise me. I have the Penguin model. I will use fewer pumps and maybe not fill the carafe to the fill line. Any other suggestions?

Cy, never tried it myself, don't own a carbonator but if I had, no doubt I'd be wearing the stuff

and wiping it off the ceiling just like you. Sorry if I mislead you. I thought it might be a good idea. Not sure why it wouldn't work. Wonder if it has to do with the amount of CO2 you add to an amount of wine at a time?

Cindy, just a thought....

.... why don't you give the folks at Penguin a phone call? Maybe someone there has some experience and could tell you exactly what to to

That's a good idea, also,

would you mind asking Phil if he has any ideas? There must be something different happening when the solvent is alcohol versus water.

reading the instructions....

..... of the carbonator, they say not to try to carbonate anything except water.

hummmm..... as to why that explosive reaction happened with the wine, I have no idea, and Phil doesn't know either. We thought that maybe the fact that there are proteins in the wine, trying to carbonate them would make them foam too much. If we violently shake a solution containing protein it foams a lot - so maybe trying to introduce carbon dioxide in wine would lead to a similar, but much stronger reaction?

anyway, now I'm curious and want to find the real answer to this mystery! smileys/wink.gif
