Quick sear in a little oil in a frying pan to brown. . . (very easy)
setting each aside on a platter to save the juices.
When they are all done browning, return to pan, place a couple of thickly sliced onions on top, add just a couple of minced cloves of garlic sprinkled over all, season with some salt, then cover just barely with water, or better, chicken broth. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer on low till tender. Remove steaks and onion to a warm platter and thicken the juices as for a gravy and check the seasoning; return steaks to gravy to warm. Serve the steaks and gravy with mashed or boiled potatoes in their jackets and a good green salad and maybe some applesauce on the side.
Old fashioned, but mild and tasty with the pork.